2013年1月25日 星期五


Curious 冇胃口 , 有貓友提醒可試用 Baby Foods , 於是朝早 7 : 30 am , 撲去惠康 , sorry law 人地唔賣 ! 下午再去百佳 , 問收銀員有冇嬰兒菜 , 吓咩野嚟 ? 餅爸指新移民唔識 , 反而後生仔執貨員就醒好多 !
貓友提醒買雞肉味 , Curious like 嗎 ?

即刻倒出嚟試吓 , 真係好香 .....
Curious 同 Biscuit 門神企定定等

Biscuit 當然食哂 , 但發少只係 lam 了一半 , ok 啦 !

4 則留言:

  1. 貓咪食唔食得架, 有冇問吓dr.先呢

  2. 食得架我問過醫生

  3. The most important thing now is to get them eating, hopefully normally, so that their defense system could be strong and work well.

    My senior cat Kitty, because she often has mouth ulcers, we use this to help her eat...

    But as I said, do remember it - Cats only like Chicken flavour -- that's what a breeder friend taught me...
